Everything we do at Climate Action Campaign is in service of our mission to stop the climate crisis.
That’s why, on May 13, we’re dropping a white paper which addresses the question, why does San Diego need world-class transit? The answer is climate. Here’s what we found:
Transportation accounts for more greenhouse gas emissions than any other sector in the region by a long shot. 42%, to be exact.
Cornerstones of our existing public transit network, like the LOSSAN corridor, are not ready for climate impacts, like sea level rise.
There is a pervasive belief that electric vehicles alone will save us. This is not true—we are in a climate emergency, and we cannot achieve climate goals fast enough without also reducing vehicle miles travelled.
The most devastating impacts of the climate crisis—extreme heat, wildfires, flooding, and more—impact low-income communities and communities of color first and worst. Slashing emissions from transportation is key to achieving climate justice.
Want to learn more? Click here, and we’ll send you a copy of the report as soon it’s released on May 13.