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We Must Correct Course On The Franchise Agreements

At this very moment, the Mayor is negotiating with SDG&E on the electric and gas Franchise Agreements. Our clean energy future is on the line as the Mayor hashes out terms and conditions with our fossil fuel monopoly utility.

If the Mayor’s initial offer and SDG&E’s bid response are any indication of where we are headed, we are in trouble.

Without a serious course correct, we’ll be locked into 20 year agreements with no viable off ramp or real tools to hold SDG&E accountable and stop their worst attacks against our climate, equity, and community goals.

Even after 50 years of skyrocketing rates, climate denial, and poor partnership with the City, SDG&E may get a corporate giveaway on these multi-billion dollar real estate contracts at the expense of San Diego families.

But all hope is not lost. The City Council can stop another bad deal from running through City Hall as long as they support:

  • Short term agreements, no longer than 5 years

  • Viable off ramps from SDG&E through a simple appraisal right to purchase clause

  • Strong equity provisions and good union jobs

  • A full public power feasibility study

Without these key provisions, we will have little hope of holding the line against SDG&E’s abuses. The Council is our only chance to get these provisions in the final Franchise Agreements.

While we wait for the Mayor to release his negotiated deal terms, we’re preparing for any scenario.

Please know that when the time comes, we will need your help to secure votes at Council and fight for a climate safe and climate ready future.

Stay tuned.

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