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Community Stories: Corinna Contreras

Moving people from one place to another is no easy task. The system we have built to move people and goods has wreaked havoc on the Earth and our health, consuming ever-growing amounts of oil and pumping harmful pollution into the air every second.

Our planet and our people are suffering, and we need every level of government to act in accordance with this emergency. That is why I work with Climate Action Campaign. I’ve seen firsthand how they help policy-makers make informed decisions on critical climate issues. Being part of a team like CAC is the rewarding work I needed: work that changes the trajectory of our local communities for the better, making them more resilient to the quickly changing climate.

Regardless of the outcomes of local and national races, we remain committed to working alongside elected officials, championing bold actions that uplift and empower our communities. Climate change doesn’t pause for politics; it rages on regardless. That’s why my work feels more urgent than ever. The funding needed for critical transportation infrastructure—better mass transit, safer walking, rolling, and cycling—continues to fall short.

Pushing for a safer, healthier, and more connected built environment demands strong community engagement and direct communication with officials to ensure their decisions are climate-forward, not climate-backward.

As the Transportation Policy Advocate for Climate Action Campaign, I am ready for a bold and aggressive push for climate justice in 2025.

This emergency demands all hands on deck—thank you for all your support in making our work possible.

—Corinna Contreras, CAC Policy Advocate



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