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Action Alert: Tell SD County to Prioritize Community Needs

San Diego County is voting on a Climate Action Plan proposal that has the opportunity to protect communities hit first and worst by the climate crisis.

Want to protect the people and places you love? Email your supervisor and say yes to equitable #ClimateAction.


San Diegans are no strangers to natural disasters. From January’s floods to yearly wildfires, we’ve seen it all. It’s time that our region prepares for climate impacts and builds resilient communities that will withstand these disasters. 

On September 11, San Diego County is voting on a CAP proposal, and we need them to vote yes. The County needs a pathway to slash pollution and create a clean air and climate-safe future.

To make this future a reality, we also urge the County to adopt a Community Equity and Resilience Fund to allocate budgeted funds to build resilience in communities that need it the most.

To build community resilience, we must build resilient regions. People shouldn’t be priced out of climate-safe neighborhoods and be forced to live in high-fire zones. Adopting the Fire Safe and VMT Efficient Smart Growth Alternative, which encourages building housing in neighborhoods not prone to wildfire, is huge part of protecting our people.

Take 30 seconds to send an email to your County supervisor asking them to adopt the CAP, create a Community Equity and Resilience Fund, and adopt the Fire Safe and VMT Efficient Smart Growth Alternative ⬇️

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