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Crunch Time for Climate

The City Must Double Down on Shifting Transportation Options to Reach Goals



We believe that everyone deserves to live in a clean, safe, affordable, and accessible community with high-quality, clean transportation.

Unfortunately, the City of San Diego is behind on delivering this reality. The City committed to 50% mode shift by 2035, meaning that there should be safe, sustainable, affordable, and accessible alternatives to driving a car. Today, we're only at a 13% mode shift. 

The City has the opportunity to fix our outdated and unjust transportation system by implementing a robust Mobility Master Plan (MMP). This report aims to provide a guide for the MMP with key recommendations to help achieve our equitable and sustainable transportation future. 


With only seven years left to double our mode shift results, we need to ensure the MMP is comprehensive. We recommend that the MMP must be:​​​

  1.  Designed and developed to meet all mode share targets for 2030 and 2035.

  2. Include a calculated total projected cost to develop and implement all projects, politics, and programs to reach mode share targets.

  3. Include annual benchmarks and progress reporting on mode share targets.

  4. Prioritize investments in Communities of Concern. CalEnviroScreen and the Climate Equity Index (CEI) are great tools the City can use to help plan and prioritize MMP actions in Communities of Concern.

  5. Integrate and advance other City and regional mobility plans such as Vision Zero, the Bicycle Master Plan, Safe Routes to School, Community Plan Updates (CPUs), Blueprint SD, Complete Communities, Sustainable Development Areas, and the SANDAG 2025 Regional Plan.

  6. Show the modeling of how existing plans will get the City to its CAP mode share goals. Not every plan needs to reach the final targets, but, in totality, the modeling needs to show reaching the 50% mode shift target. We need a data-driven and evidence-based approach.

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